4Mation Academy is an all-ages sci-fi animated series following the life-changing adventures of four high school students. While attending a specialized private academy, they train as pilots for a secret government project.

In collaboration with an alien race known as the Avians, the project’s focus is the development of a very small, very advanced, human-alien hybrid aircraft called the Air Razor (or ARZ). But to operate the aircraft, the pilots must be reduced in size through an advanced molecular minimization process, which allows them to operate the futuristic, gravity-defying, highly capable aircraft in almost any circumstance one could imagine.

The Avians' goal is to use this technology to benefit humanity. But the project faces threats and opposition from politically motivated interests who are determined to either sabotage or take control of the program.

Friendship and comradery to the power of four. This elite squad of teenage heroes is here to help, no matter the challenge…and they’re not alone.


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